You’re most likely Looking Forward to the Day When you No Longer Need to Deal with your Monthly Flow
No More Heavy Flows, No More Pads on Hot Days, No More Heavy Cramps or Bloating, No More Mood Swings!

BUT, the Scientific Truth may well be that your “monthly cycle” was a symptoms of being young and healthy!
The steady monthly beat & rhythm of Estrogen & Progesterone producing the menstrual flow turns switches in our genes “On” and “Off” – affecting over 4000 genes!
…having a positive effect on everything from experiencing a healthy libido, to having healthy bones and heart.
What Happens When the beat disappears? Menopause becomes the hallmark of Aging!

Heart Disease. The hormonal changes that occur during menopause can bring increased cardiovascular risk in the form of higher blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and heart attacks.

Alzheimer’s. Women who enter menopause before the age of 40 are 35% more likely to have been diagnosed with dementia.

Osteoporosis. Menopause is the most common cause of osteoporosis.

Low Libido. A loss of libido during menopause is generally due to decreased hormone levels.

Diabetes & Weight Gain. After menopause, changes in your hormone levels can trigger fluctuations in your blood sugar level resulting in an increased risk of upper body adipose tissue accumulation and increased incidence of insulin resistance
There May be Hell to Pay when Hormones Fall Out or Rhythm and the Music Disappears!

All the graphs in all the research on cancer show a steep incline in all cancers beginning at age forty for women, coinciding with a decline in estrogen

Do you really want to live 30-50 years without the benefits of hormones?
The Trick to Aging GRACEFULLY

Mimicking mother nature may be the “Key” to living the vibrant Life every woman deserves
Physiologic Hormone Restoration (PR) by Women’s Hormone Network
Frequently Asked Questions
Are You Ready to Live Your Most Vibrant Life?
The premise of using rhythmic, bioidentical, natural hormone replacement therapy with estradiol and progesterone may give our bodies a chance to turn back the clock
find a PR HRT doctor now!