Harbor Compounding Pharmacy Receives Accreditation From PCAB National Board

Harbor Compounding Pharmacy is proud to announce that they have been renewed for their accreditation by the Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board (PCAB) for meeting and/or exceeding national quality standards for sterile and non-sterile pharmacy compounding. PCAB is a service of the Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC)..
Harbor Compounding Pharmacy had earned this accreditation in December 2012, and this approval had extended their accreditation through December 11, 2018. The pharmacy was accredited by meeting a set of standards created by the PCAB®, a board composed of the leading experts in the compounding pharmacy field today.
In order to earn the designation “PCAB Accredited® compounding pharmacy,” the pharmacy must first complete an extensive application that was reviewed by the Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board. Their compounding policies and procedures were then reviewed by pharmaceutical and compounding professionals. Next, Harbor Compounding Pharmacy was scheduled for a random survey for an extensive two-day onsite inspection led by a compounding expert from PCAB. After this rigorous process, Harbor Compounding Pharmacy was awarded accreditation only when these stringent evaluations were completed and the pharmacy was deemed compliant by PCAB.
By being granted PCAB accreditation, Harbor Compounding Pharmacy has demonstrated that it operates at a level of quality, integrity, and effectiveness consistent with the PCAB standards, and that the pharmacy will continue to comply with these standards on an ongoing basis.
Harbor Compounding Pharmacy is honored to earn this accreditation, as it sets them apart from other compounding pharmacies. Achieving PCAB accreditation is a strong statement of the pharmacy’s commitment to provide high quality compounded medications for their patients and their community.
The pharmacy hopes that in the future PCAB accreditation will no longer be a recommended but a required achievement for which all compounding pharmacies must comply. By earning PCAB accreditation, Harbor Compounding Pharmacy in Orange County, California continues to be an innovator and a stand for quality and integrity in the compounding pharmacy industry today and for the future to come.